Professional Indemnity Insurance

Regular interaction with people is a guaranteed part of any Arts Therapists practice and is a daily occurrence. You may face situations where your clients look to hold you responsible for injuries they deem to have received as a result of your professional services.

Professional Indemnity Insurance (PI) protects you against liability or allegations of liability for financial injury or damages that have resulted from a negligent act, error, omission, or malpractice that has arisen out of your professional capacity as an Arts Therapist. PI protects Arts Therapists by ensuring that your legal defence is coordinated and paid for if a claim is made against you. Your PI also covers the cost of patient compensation or damages.

It is important to note that coverage is afforded on a “claims-made and reported” basis and will respond to claims made during the policy period. This means that the policy which is in place when a claim is made will be the policy to respond – regardless of when the incident occurred. Therefore, it is extremely important there is no gap in coverage between policy periods. Coverage needs to be continuously in place to ensure your insurance is uninterrupted. 

This policy is fully compliant with the ANZACATA regulation and registration requirements and will be subject to regular review by industry experts to ensure continual cover enhancement. This policy also complies with and exceeds all requirements set out by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the New Zealand Psychologists Board.

To upgrade to $20M Professional Indemnity, Public & Products Liability, contact BMS on 1800 931 071 (AU), 0800 999 267 (NZ) or email

Are you a practice owner?

If you are a practice owner and operate under a legal business entity; you will need to apply for Entity Insurance, which will extend your ANZACATA Member Insurance Policy to include cover for Vicarious Liability for your Business.

Vicarious Liability is where you or your business can be held responsible for the actions of an employee, agent or Sub-Contractor.

An Arts Therapist Instructor employed by you runs a Dance class. A participant in the class claims that inadequate supervision of class participants led to them sustaining a back injury. The patient takes action out against the employee who ran the class, you (the Individual) as the owner of the studio and who provided the treatment, and your Dance Studio (business entity) for not having adequate processes in place to ensure adequate supervision. Your ANZACATA Insurance Policy responds to your legal costs to defend your liability, and if entity coverage is taken, your ANZACATA policy will also respond to cover the legal defence costs in respect of your business entity.

It is important to note that you ANZACATA policy will not respond to any costs associated with the action against professional employees, they will need maintain individual Professional Indemnity coverage.